CinEuro invites you to take part in an inspirational visit to Brussels on Thursday, October 10, 2024. Don't miss this opportunity to discover the inner workings of the European institutions, through meetings with experts and insightful testimonials !
Programme preview
In the heart of Europe – Behind the Scenes of the Deals
Explore the official and unofficial places of power frequented by decision-makers, hear inspiring anecdotes from journalists and first-hand witnesses, and immerse yourself in the unique atmosphere of this strategic European city.
1pm-2pm: Networking lunch
2pm-4pm: Inspiring stories pitched by a panel of experts and journalists
4-5pm: One-to-One between speakers and scriptwriters
5 – 7 pm: Walk through the European district, departing from the Press Club, followed by a convivial moment on the Place du Luxembourg or another “after-work” venue appreciated by Eurocrats.
Any follow-up?
A second inspiration session will take place in Strasbourg in November 2024. Stay tuned!
In addition to these inspiration tours, screenwriters will be supported in the development of their projects through writing workshops, before presenting them at public pitch sessions at a film festival or market.
Priority access to the writing workshops will be given to professionals who have already taken part in the inspiration tours.
How can I take part?
The visit is open to a maximum of 20 professionals from the film and audiovisual industry (scriptwriters, directors, producers, etc.) developing a project related to the theater of European institutions in a broad sense, or wishing to deepen their knowledge of this theme as part of a future project.
Candidates must meet the following 3 criteria:
- Be domiciled in Europe or the EEC
- Proof of previous experience in writing/directing/production (at least 1 project, including short films, supported by one of CinEuro’s partner funds or purchased and/or broadcast on at least one TV channel or Category A festival – even in the non-competitive section).
- Submit the completed application form by the deadline.
Application deadline: September 10, 2024
Participants will be selected by the CinEuro project partners on the basis of the number of places available, the motivation of the applicants and a balanced geographical and gender balance.
The languages used will be French, German and English, depending on the participants. Simultaneous French-German interpretation will be available.
Participation fees
Participation is free of charge for selected professionals.
Overnight accommodation may be provided for participants who do not reside on site.
Speakers’ details
- Loreline Merelle
Loreline Merelle is a journalist with ten years’ experience covering European institutions. She was Brussels correspondent for Le Point and BFM. Arte presenter for the 2019 European elections, on and social networks, she now works for the Franco-German channel, producing reports, particularly on frozen conflict zones. She also develops documentary projects.
- Juan Arcas
Juan Arcas is a renowned expert on European institutions. Since 1992, he has directed or accompanied most of the major European communications initiatives, including the changeover to the euro, Erasmus, and the CoFE or Conferences on the Future of Europe. His career is peppered with tasty anecdotes and memorable encounters.
- Arzu Mouchtar
Arzu Mouchtar has a Master‘s degree in Islamic Studies and German Philology from the University of Bonn. She has been working in the European Parliament for almost 20 years and has served 5 MEPs covering topics such as Transport, EU enlargement, Human Rights and Foreign Affairs. Currently she is covering the Committee on Culture and Education for the second youngest elected MEP.
Moderator: Christophe Leclercq
A French media entrepreneur, Christophe Leclercq founded EURACTIV Media Network, and now chairs the think-tank Europe MédiaLab. Christophe participated in the EU’s High-Level Expert Group on disinformation, and currently sits on the Advisory Board of EDMO (European Digital Media Observatory). Prior to his career in the media, Christophe Leclercq was a strategic consultant for McKinsey and worked at the European Commission (competition).
Other guests attending:
- Marta Barandiy – Promote Ukraine
- Georgi Gotev – Journalist and editor at Euractiv Bulgaria
- Paul Culley – Professor, CPDS Europe (TBD)
- Adam Mouchtar – Assistant to the European Parliament (TBD)
About the CinEuro project
CinEuro is a cross-border cooperation project in the film and audiovisual sector. Its partnership brings together the main organizations responsible for implementing film and audiovisual policies in the regions of Grand Est, northern Switzerland, Baden-Württemberg, Rhineland-Palatinate, Saarland, Luxembourg, Brussels and Wallonia.
Since 2023, the project partners have launched the “CinEuro Film Lab”, a new program for the development of films or series dealing with stories, characters or settings that bear witness to the links between the partner territories in all their dimensions (economic, political, geographical, societal, cultural, …).
To achieve this, the CinEuro Film Lab is divided into 3 phases: an initial inspiration phase to identify new subjects likely to inspire filmmakers, a second writing phase, and a third phase to support the production of the projects developed through pitch sessions at film festivals and markets, networking sessions, professional meetings, etc.
Registration conditions
Registration open until September 10, limited to 20 participants
Notification to successful applicants on September 18.