CinEuro Prize for the development of cross-border co-productions
You have until February 28, 2025, to submit your project.
Check the 2025 regulations (in French or German) to verify the eligibility criteria, then submit your application on FestiCiné.
CinEuro is a cross-border network of nearly 40 organisations responsible for supporting the film and audiovisual industry in France, Luxembourg, Germany, Switzerland and Belgium. From 2023, the CinEuro partners decided to support the development of co-productions based on stories linked to the partner territories.
To this end, the Région Grand Est, the Film Fund Luxembourg, the Medien- und Filmgesellschaft Baden-Württemberg, the Saarland Medien GmbH, the Ministerium für Familie, Frauen, Kultur und Integration Rheinland-Pfalz, Wallimage,, Wallonie-Bruxelles International and the Ministerium der Deutschsprachigen Gemeinschaft Belgiens have jointly launched the CinEuro Prize. In 2024, the organizers of the Prize were joined by the Eurometropole of Strasbourg, followed by Balimage for the 2025 edition, which allowed the Prize’s coverage to extend to the Northwestern region of Switzerland.
The aim of this prize is to encourage the emergence of projects dealing with stories, characters or settings that bear witness to the links between the partner territories in all their dimensions (economic, political, geographical, societal, cultural, etc.).
It aims to encourage new ways of looking at clearly identified subjects (steel, war, migratory movements, etc.), as well as themes that have received little or no treatment to date (the inner workings of European institutions, news stories, local imagination, societal or natural phenomena, etc.), whether they are inspired by physical realities (landscapes, buildings, infrastructures), historical facts (personalities, events, etc.) or current affairs.
Its aim is to enable filmmakers to explore and unveil the range of possibilities offered by these themes and to take on board the artistic and intellectual contribution of a cross-border narrative perspective, in order to contribute to the development of a genuine CinEuro signature and enhance its visibility in European and international cinema.

Prize Categories and Amounts
The CinEuro Prize is awarded annually in two categories of projects in development:
- Documentary: a prize of €10,000, awarded to a documentary project for cinema, television, or streaming platforms, either a feature-length (min. 40 min) or a series (min. 2 x 20 min). Additionally, a bonus of €5,000 may be awarded if the jury deems the project’s progress satisfactory after a period of 2 years.
- Fiction: a prize of €20,000, awarded to an audiovisual, cinema, or streaming platform project, either a feature-length (min. 60 min) or a series (min. 3 x 20 min) in live-action or animation. Additionally, a bonus of €10,000 may be awarded if the jury deems the project’s progress satisfactory after a period of 2 years.
Documents are only available in French or German.
Calendar for the CinEuro Prize 2025
Submission of applications until February 28, 2025, at 11:59 PM.
Notifications regarding the eligibility of applications: mid-March 2025.
Announcement of finalists: mid-May 2025.
Pitch of finalists and CinEuro Prize award ceremony: early July 2025.
You can submit your project on the FestiCiné platform.
- Read the regulations
Take the time to carefully read the 2025 regulations and make sure your project aligns with the objectives of the CinEuro Prize. To help you, consult the CinEuro scale, which will allow you to quickly assess how well your project fits.
- Create your FestiCiné account
If you don’t have an account yet, register on the platform to access the application form.
- Plan your work
Go through the application form and the list of required documents (both artistic and administrative) to identify the information and texts to be produced, including any necessary translations. Create a timeline to organize the production of documents, aiming to finalize your submission several days before the deadline.
Need help?
Screenwriter & Director: Paul Vincent de Lestrade
Production: Need Productions (BE)
Co-production: Tripode Productions (FR)
Eva, 14 years old, has been raised in a radical nationalist extremist group by a single father who taught her everything and whom she admires more than anyone. Until she discovers that he is ready to kill…
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- HELTER SKELTER, a film project by Paul Vincent de Lestrade
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- LES DANSEURS DE STRASBOURG, a film project by Zoé Labasse
- SCHWEIZER KÜHE, a film project by Matthias Dinter
Director: Donato Rotunno
Screenwriter: Alexis Metzinger
Production: Tarantula Luxembourg (LU)
Co-production: Cerigo Films (FR)
Told as a thriller, “Europe’s Capital – The Dispute over the Seat” is a political-media saga that traces seventy years of disappointed ideals and secret negotiations, dramatic declarations, and sudden reversals of fortune.
Should there be a single, efficient capital? Or, on the contrary, should institutions be scattered to bring them closer to the population? What unfolds through this little-known history is the very imagination of today’s Europe with its successes and failures, its symbols, and its ongoing quest for legitimacy.
- CAPITALE(S) EUROPE, LA BATAILLE DES SIEGES, a documentary project by Donato Rotunno
- LEGENDA, a documentary project by Julien Kartheuser