Innovative formats and new content
Develop your skills in innovative formats and new content
Augmented and virtual reality, animation, video games, applications, immersive formats, many are the innovative formats and new contents having emerged with new technologies and their new uses. A new perspective is opening up in the world of audiovisual and cinema. CinEuro is therefore committed to support the development of these practices within this cross-border space.

Our partners are committed to the stimulation of new content
In order to support the creation of new content, CinEuro partners are led to meet in working groups to address these different objectives:
- To define new funding and support models for this type of content
- To elaborate common devices to boost the diversity of formats
- Facilitate the realization of these new media works following the observation of difficulties encountered in the field on the different themes (new writing, innovative audiovisual formats, gaming, AR/VR, immersive exhibitions).

The network: a tool for the creation of innovative formats
CinEuro and its partners offer the possibility for producers and authors of new content to meet at key events such as the KIF or other professional meetings. Professional actors can also take the opportunity to join the CinEuro network. The latter offers professionals the opportunity to appear on the professionals map. This map presents a way for professional actors to interact not only with actors in their field but also with actors in complementary fields.