Bureau des Images Grand Est


The Bureau des images Grand Est operates in the film and audiovisual sector and is part of the cultural policy of the Grand Est Region.

Its activities are based around one priority: to develop the film and TV fiction shooting industry in the Grand Est region via its film shooting office (Bureau d’accueil des tournages).

To support the professionalisation and structuring of the regional industry, the Bureau des images Grand Est offers support to local professionals (technicians, actors, producers, service providers, etc.).

It organises professional events (meetings, workshops, training courses, etc.) in partnership with regional and national players and helps to organise professional delegations to festivals and markets, thereby helping to boost the attractiveness of the regional ecosystem.

As an operational tool, the Bureau des images Grand Est acts with the support of the Région Grand Est, the CNC and the ERDF, in partnership with regional networks and professionals.

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