
Artistic independence: The central role of writers/directors/producers in Belgian cinema
To ensure the influence of Belgian cinema and the creation of diversified, sustainable and viable film productions by our creators, we are defending the status of independent directors/producers. This status is essential to guarantee freedom, artistic independence and greater horizontality in practices, by controlling financial imperatives and the economic means of production.

Artistic freedom and independent production
Market dynamics and the complex sub-national architecture of the film industry in Belgium give rise to sectoral inequalities and even job insecurity. Faced with a competitive economic dynamic that concentrates resources, thereby encouraging conformism and uniformity in audiovisual productions, we advocate independent cinema. Independent cinema allows us to free ourselves from commercial or political command systems, by offering original, high-quality artistic production and the emergence of alternative narratives capable of appealing to a variety of audiences.

For a pluralist and singular cinema: Fighting against the standardisation of productions
We defend creative freedom in the face of rigid categorisation and the imposition of normative criteria that alienate film productions. These practices contribute to the compartmentalisation of narratives and artistic de-singularisation, leading to a loss of diversity. Yet the inclusiveness of representations and the singularity of narratives are essential to the eclecticism of national cinema, reflecting Belgian pluralism.

Cinema: A medium for democracy
We believe in culture as the foundation of our democracies, and see art as an eminently collective activity. In this sense, cinema helps to enrich democratic debate and has a real transformative power over ways of thinking and social environments. We support cinema as a medium for transmitting stories and as a place where people can meet, live and forge social links. Cinema must therefore also serve as a platform for a plurality of voices and perspectives.

Building bridges for a more visible and diverse Belgian cinema
We are helping to develop links between professionals in the Belgian film industry in order to combine synergies to promote the quality of audiovisual productions. This solidarity, which is both productive and life-saving, needs to be strengthened by building bridges with international players. This is essential to guarantee the visibility of Belgian film productions. ARPi is therefore committed to forging links of solidarity with other sister organisations, promoting mutual enrichment and the common defence of the interests of our creators.

Human-scale cinema: Reconciling culture and the economy
Human-scale cinema can play a crucial role in reconciling culture and the real economy, while integrating today’s issues for a sustainable social impact, thus meeting the cross-cutting needs of culture, the environment and society. In favour of creating opportunities and cultural openness, ARPi supports a diversified and viable film industry for Belgian professionals in the sector.

We want to be a structure of opportunities for the creation of synergies between creators, thus promoting a diversified and sustainable Belgian cinema.

Further information

ARPi, l'Association des Auteur.rice.s / Réalisateurs.rice.s - Producteur.rice.s Indépendant.e.s (The Association of Independent Autors, Directors and Productors), is a French-speaking Belgian professional union of writers and directors who are involved in the production of their films.

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