Funding for promotion – Funding for movie theatre release – classic potential

Funding provided by

More info about the fund

Funding details

Region :

Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles

Production stage(s) :


Type of financial support :


Beneficiaries :

Distributors, Producers

Film genre :

Long feature film (documentary), Long feature film (fiction)

Maximum amount of financial assistance :

20 000 € max.

Submission schedule :

File the application at the earliest two months before the films are released in movie theatres, and at the latest the day the film is released. The application must be presented at the latest 5 years after the 1st day of filming. 19 dates for filing the application, throughout the year

Eligibility requirements :

– Distributer or producer whose main residence, head office or permanent agency is located in the French-speaking region or the bilingual region of Brussels-Capital

Art house film
long feature films, creation documentaries >60

See website for further information