WORKSHOP - Virtual Production

Balimage is pleased to invite you to a workshop around virtual production!
Part 1 – Workshop (10:00 – 13:00)
“Virtual Production (VP)”, “In-Camera VFX”, “Real-Time Visualization”: Big streaming services like Netflix and Disney+ already produce their mega-series with this new production method, which is rapidly gaining importance worldwide. However, VP is also very interesting for small fiction and documentary projects.
Basel filmmaker Alex Martin reports on the Basel VP studio plans and, together with VP specialist Marlon Candeloro, shows how the method actually works. In a hands-on workshop lasting almost three hours, filmmakers from all departments will get a first insight into this new way of shooting. Camera operators and directors can familiarize themselves with a tracked ARRI cam and real and virtual 3D realtime locations. Equipment, props and lighting have trouble of matching the interface between real and virtual. The production staff can recalculate time and cost comparisons of this efficient method. The sustainability team receives suggestions for an extremely CO2-reducing measure. Last but not least: Actors no longer have to imagine locations in the green screen studio, but can perform in front of visible real-time backdrops. The target audience of this workshop is anyone who has always wanted to learn about this method.
Moderation: Alex Martin and Marlon Candeloro in collaboration with Balimage
Part 2 – News & Tour (14:00 – 17:00)
After lunch, we will continue with “News & Tour” – information on how to facilitate filming:
- “Filming permits on Allmend – the example of Basel” “Searching for filmmakers via database- the example of Basel”
- “Basel as a Location City – The Tour”.
Registration conditions
Participation on registration
Meal included